St. George's Day Dinner
08 April 2024
### Tuesday 23rd April - Holy Trinity Parish Romm - 7.00 for 7.30pm
#### The evening is in support of Bramley Helping Hand and Holy Trinity. ####
To celebrate St. George's Day in a traditional manner, the menu will be roast beef followed by apple pie & custard, all freshly cooked by volunteers. There will also be a vegetarian option. Wine, Cider & Soft Drinks will be available.
We need to know numbers as soon as possible, **ideally by Sunday 20th**. Tickets must be bought or reserved in advance.
Tickets are only £20; You can reserve tickets using this [form](/sgd-ticket-form).
Tickets are also availabe at Robersons (Cash only), or by phoning Joe O'Connell on 01483 894250.
THe Holy Trinity Parish Room is on the right-hand side of the Church in the High Street.