Bramley Village Society

Bramley, not to be confused with Bramley in Hampshire, is a village and civil parish about three miles south of Guildford in the Borough of Waverley in Surrey, south east England. Most of the parish lies in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The Bramley Village Society (BVS) is a charity with a remit to maintian and improve Bramley's material and social fabric.

St. George's Day Dinner

08 April 2024

### Tuesday 23rd April - Holy Trinity Parish Romm - 7.00 for 7.30pm #### The evening is in support of Bramley Helping Hand and Holy Trinity. #### ![](/images/St-George.jpg) To celebrate St. George's Day in a traditional manner, the menu will be roast beef followed by apple pie & custard, all freshly cooked by volunteers. There will also be a vegetarian option. Wine, Cider & Soft Drinks will be available. We need to know numbers as soon as possible, **ideally by Sunday 20th**. Tickets must be bought or reserved in advance. Tickets are only £20; You can reserve tickets using this [form](/sgd-ticket-form). Tickets are also availabe at Robersons (Cash only), or by phoning Joe O'Connell on 01483 894250. THe Holy Trinity Parish Room is on the right-hand side of the Church in the High Street.