Bramley Village Society

Bramley, not to be confused with Bramley in Hampshire, is a village and civil parish about three miles south of Guildford in the Borough of Waverley in Surrey, south east England. Most of the parish lies in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The Bramley Village Society (BVS) is a charity with a remit to maintian and improve Bramley's material and social fabric.

Next Meeting

10 June 2024

Our AGM was held on the 6th of June @ 20:00 in the Village Hall meeting room. The minutes are here.
Our next meeting is on the 11th July. All residents are welcome to catch up on local events or, if appropriate, raise any areas of concern regarding Bramley.

The minutes of our June meeting are here.

The future of the BVS

08 April 2024

We care about Bramley and the environment we live in. Do you?

If you have ever visited the BVS website you may have noticed that there is a list of ‘issues’ relating to amenities in Bramley; see some examples of current or past issues above. No prizes for guessing where they are! Resolving these issues does depend on who is responsible; often either Surrey County Council, Waverley Borough Council, or the Bramley Parish Council. In some cases, it comes down to the community to resolve the issue. In such cases the BVS committee tries to address the issue itself, ideally with help from volunteers.

This is only one of the functions of the BVS. The Society was founded in 1973 after there was disquiet about plans for several quite large developments in the village, with little apparent concern or opposition from officialdom. This is still one of the primary reasons for BVS to exist, i.e. to act on behalf of residents in situations where the official bodies are unable or unwilling to do so.

However, for some years now we have been saying that our activities are currently somewhat limited due to a lack of committee members. Unfortunately, the situation has not improved with the passing of time and several committee members now feel that it is well over the time by which they should retire so they will not be continuing on the committee following our next AGM in June. Essentially, this means that the BVS will no longer be able to continue as an active Bramley organisation unless we get some new blood on the committee (not that our committee meetings are either long or bloody!).

Discontinuation of the BVS means:

  • We’ll stop tracking local amenity issues.
  • We lose the ability to act as a formal body representing the residents of Bramley when the Parish Council is unable to for financial or regulatory reasons.
  • We lose the ability for BVS as a charity to claim Gift Aid on donations made to BVS should it be necessary for the community to raise money to address any future significant issue facing Bramley.
  • As the BVS currently organises insurance to cover a number of village organisations and societies with a long-standing policy, there would almost certainly be an increase in the insurance premiums for Bramley organisations should they have to insure independently.
  • No more Showcases or other community events
  • As we have said many times before, the good news is that we have plenty of members as our constitution says that all residents are members of the Society. So:

Can we persuade you to come and join us on the committee?

Do you know of people in the community who may be willing to help?